About the software

Prodaso is revolutionizing production and paving the way for future-oriented manufacturing: With the AI-supported IIoT platform, companies can digitally map and analyze the entire manufacturing process and make it more efficient in real time.
Überwachung der Maschinen- und Prozessdaten mit Prodaso

Networking and optimizing production - with Prodaso for maximum transparency

With Prodaso, you can quickly and easily network all production systems – from modern electronic machines to older systems and even manually operated workstations. This gives you full transparency and allows you to seamlessly monitor your entire production process. Prodaso enables you to efficiently capture valuable machine and process data (machine-to-data) and transform it into useful insights (data-to-insights) using powerful analysis tools.

Real-time monitoring gives you a comprehensive overview of your production and the ability to dive deep into each individual step and identify optimization potential.  

AI-supported analyses for efficient and sustainable production

Real-time monitoring gives you a comprehensive overview of your production and the ability to dive deep into each individual step and identify optimization potential. The dynamic visualization and in-depth analysis of your production data is carried out with the help of AI-supported tools. By using advanced AI models and algorithms, Prodaso reveals previously hidden patterns and inefficiencies and provides you with tailored optimization suggestions that help you increase production reliability and flexibility, optimize the use of resources and continuously improve your production processes.  

After quick and easy implementation, this makes Prodaso the key to increasing productivity, sustainability and competitiveness in modern manufacturing. 

 Datenanalyse der Produktionsanlagen mit KI

Powering the businesses
powering the future™

"Without Prodaso, we wouldn't have been able to realize the potential in our production. Prodaso has shown us many opportunities for improvement, enabling us to increase our productivity by 30%. Given the current energy prices, we are pleased that we have also significantly reduced our power consumption."

Peter Beckmerhagen, Managing Director

With AI & IoT, midmarket companies are digitizing their production by simply connecting their machines and utilizing far-reaching optimization potential.

Maximize your productivity with AI-driven
production optimization