Selfa GE

Customer showcase

Product: BPSC
Country: POLAND
Industry: HEATING
Selfa PV

Elevating excellence with technology

With a rich heritage tracing back to 1932, extensive experience, and a consistent upward trajectory in sales, Selfa GE have earned the title of premier supplier of the highest quality heating elements in Poland. 

Between 2005 and 2010, Selfa undertook an extensive modernisation initiative, upgrading machinery, the production facility, and acquiring new equipment. Most notably, was the implementation of Impuls ERP in 2018, allowing the business to streamline their finances, fixed assets, production, materials, customer relations and HR.

"One of the most important advantages of the Impuls system is the technical preparation of production... When the order goes into production, we know what the material needs will be, what is the delivery date of the material or semi-finished product."

Dariusz Pilawski, Heating Elements Production Manager

Business transformation through technology

Net revenues increased by 
38.7% in a year
Photovoltaic production reliant
on just-in-time material delivery
Ensured transparency 
for 25-year warranty
IT system aided logistics 
and timely order fulfillment
Data-driven predictions 
enhanced decision-making
Tracked production costs 
ensured profitability analysis

Used by hundreds of discrete 
and process manufacturers.